Investigation Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing By Riot Games CEO

An investigation commissioned by League of Legends and Valorant publisher Riot Games amid accusations of misconduct by CEO Nicolas Laurent has concluded, finding no evidence of wrongdoing…

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Calls Out Toxic Walking Dead Fans After Melissa McBride Exits Spin-Off

The Walking Dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan took to social media to call out people who have “gone way too far” with toxic outrage over reports that…

The Bureau- XCOM Declassified Review

A shooter based on a beloved strategy franchise? It’s the kind of idea that makes strategy fans nervous, but games like Command & Conquer: Renegade have proven…

Overwatch 2 Is Dropping Premium Heroes And Adding A New Store

Big changes are coming to Overwatch 2, all of them an attempt to make the first-person shooter more “generous,” according to game director Aaron Keller. Among the…